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  • Writer's pictureFaustino

Make 07: Find Your Voice

This comic strip is for Make #7 in INTE 5340 Learning with Digital Stories. In Module 5, we discussed what finding your voice is all about and if you could still have a voice if you were anonymous. This comic strip plays on the need for people to express themselves in a creative sense but are often drowned out with an abundance of digital content that is similar to theirs or doesn't rise to the occasion.

The millennial patient rushes to the doctor's office to seek medical attention for losing his creative voice (outlet). The doctor, having witness case after case all week, is annoyed with this particular patient and seeks to find her own voice. Solitude in a cafe that represents relaxation and tranquility. It also imposes a means of escape from the digital noise (or nonsense) that at times overwhelms our senses and emotions.

However, you see the millennial patient strolling outside the cafe's window as the doctor sits back and enjoys her brunch with a single rose to soften her mood. Will the millennial patient enter the cafe? Will he see the good doctor? Or will he merely pass by with his creative voice in a void?

Did the millennial patient lose his creative voice or did he simply transform it something unfamiliar?

This is a comic strip for INTE 5340 - Learning with Digital Stories.


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